terse & at large

GRRRRR. Arrrgh. And sometimes a travel log.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Saga Ends (Almost)

Pride and Prejudice
Originally uploaded by Terz.

So, after one term (ten weeks plus the one-week September hols), this saga, a saga (see what I've done? Repetition so that more urls - all five of them - may be linked to the saga... that's how long the saga has gone on) that's gone on for far, far too long, is almost over.


The first set of prints (all four bags' and one cardboard box's worth) were delivered today: thanks to Packrat who met me at the shop to help with the load - the load that was enough to remind me of the days when I had to carry two jerry cans (or a couple of Browning MGs - if that were at all possible) on each arm back in the day.

Not fun.

Not fun at all.

But it's almost over. Barring the last-minute submission of more orders from one class; barring the lack of submission of orders from another; and barring the narrowly-averted problem of one class ordering by the serial numbers assigned to the prints by the machine, instead of the filenames that I had assigned in the first place - but narrowly-averted nonetheless. All settled. The last group will get their prints tomorrow, the others next week. Before I leave for Pakistan - and leaving this sorry mess behind.

Sorry, still fuming (enough to mention here that last year's school took only three weeks for students [students!] to submit all their orders). I'd expected more from teachers. There are times I don't really want to defend the teaching profession at all.


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