Another Parable
Originally uploaded by Terz.
"These aren't the droids I'm looking for."
"What was the question again?"
There's a piece of plastic that's part of the shower assembly (purely cosmetic, of course - all it does is to hide the screws keeping the shower head bar up) that's been falling off every once in a while, and over the last six years, has been falling off at a more frequent rate.
I've taken to ignoring it once it falls off, because, now, it's also falling off immediately, or soon after, I put it back. Pointless really:
I can't hammer it back because it's plastic - hammering it back just makes the housing looser.
I can't glue it back because while that'll make it last longer, it makes changing the shower head, when it comes time to that, impossible.
So I leave it on the shower stall floor.
I'm content.
Not happy, but content.
At 1:48 PM, May 24, 2005, Terz said…
Not really, but that kinda falls into the whole realm of doing too much workfor a little thing.
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