Only in Singapore
How is that when I accidentally leave an SLR on a park bench in Japan, people will wait there with the camera until I come back looking for it in a panic? Or when I'm in Nias, my scarf fell from my harness when I exited the vehicle and the Indonesian who saw it ran after me to return it to me?
But in Singapore, when you leave something in the blackhole known as a cab, you never see the item again? The missus had first lost her Chacos in a cab (may the person using them now be afflicted with an obvious rash that spreads upwards to his/her nether-regions) and then today, because I was in a hurry to get out of the cab (to allow the driver who had pulled into the estate behind us to clear), my handphone got left behind - no doubt to suffer the same fate. And I know the phone had been found because the bastard who found it turned it off already (may you be struck by lightning through the phone in a freak accident. And, get the same rash too, while you're at it).
Anyway, the point of this is to inform the people who know me and who read my blog to send me your numbers again; after tonight when I go get a new phone, that is.
As you can tell, I'm not too hopeful that there are any more Samaritans in Singapore.
Updated at 1942 hours, 11 April 2005:
OK, have received my replacement SIM card and since the Nokia models these days are saggy-butt-ugly, I'm using my previous phone until something better comes along. You may begin sending me your handphone numbers via business cards. I'm on the same number.
At 9:34 PM, April 11, 2005,
Neil said…
Dude - I don't have your number to hand - however my number (in hex) is +75C7C7146 (or +11101011100011111000111000101000110 in binary) - so could you sms me your number?
At 10:17 PM, April 11, 2005,
Abigael said…
Wah lau eh ... dude! I totally empathise. I left my ex-laptop in a cab and never saw it again. Will sms my number and some of the rest to you shortly.
At 11:12 PM, April 11, 2005,
Terz said…
Neil - Thanks, got it...
Abs - Thanks a lot dear. Feeling a bit naked without numbers... now if only the designs get a bit less tacky.
At 11:32 AM, April 13, 2005,
Milani said…
HI I read your weblog often for your experiences in Aceh, and now I'm looking forward to reading about Nias.
Sorry about your lost hp... different luck. I lost my tavel bag, clothes and camera wires in Surabaya - it's not found even after i called the lost and found department of the the suspected taxi comapnies. = (
I' had a student who dropepd her handphone in the taxi, but had it returned. This was in Singapore. oh well. different luck! : )
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